需要英文高手翻譯 20分

2011-11-16 6:52 am

回答 (3)

2011-11-18 7:35 pm
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If you see a person suddenly lose consciousness become unresponsive and not breathing, what could you do? You can put into action the American Heart Association chain of survival and use the iPad NF1200. The iPad NF1200 was developed by CU medical systems Incorporated, primarily for the usage of lay responders in pulic places where sudden cardiac arrest is most likely to happen.

Its compact design, portability and easy-to-follow interface enable even untrained lay responders to deliver life saving defibrillation shocks.

Now, what can you do if you're on the scene of a sudden cardiac arrest? Activate the American Heart Association chain of survival. The notion of chain are: First, confirm the emergency by checking the victim's pulse response. If the victim does not respond to a tap on the shoulder immeditately call 911 and get the iPad NF1200. Second, administer CPR. Push the chest of the victim hard and fast 30 times. Then immediately open the airway by tilting the victim's head. Give 2 breaths. Then repeat the compression and breathing cycle 5 times.

"Attach pads" Third, remove the patient's clothing. Then turn on the iPad NF1200 and then attach the pads to the patient. "Attach pads (x4). Do not touch the patient. Analyzing heart rhythm" Stand clear when prompted as stand clear. "Shock advised. Stand clear. Press the flashing orange button now. Deliver the shock now" Press the shock button if prompted to do so. "Shock delivered. Begin CPR now. Push the chest down fast two inches. Give two breaths. Breathe" When prompted to begin CPR, begin CPR and follow the voice prompts of the iPad until 911 or EMS personnels arrive to take over. With the step-by-step and convoy prompts, I am sure that you have the confidence to save the life. Portable and lightweight, the iPad NF1200 should be installed in public places such as airports, train stations, stadiums, malls and others so that immediate defirillation shocks could be delivered to victims of certain cardiac arrest.

2011-11-18 11:39:08 補充:
When you're on the scene of a sudden cardiac arrest, do not hestitate. Call 911 then get an AED. You will be more effective in saving lives if you are trained on how to use an AED and do CPR.

2011-11-18 11:39:41 補充:
1. Get trained on how to use an AED and do CPR,
2. Get trained on Basic Life Support,
3. Familiarize yourself with the locations of public access AEDs

2011-11-18 11:40:15 補充:
With this video, you are now capable of responding to an emergency involving sudden cardiac arrest. Remember, you have to be prepared for emergency and with iPad NF1200, you have the right tool for saving lives anytime, anywhere.
2011-11-20 4:38 pm
2011-11-17 2:04 am
I pad NF1200 是半自動的體外除顫器 (也稱為 AED)。I pad NF1200 用於微經過培訓的人員。它提供了簡單和直接的語音提示和說明簡單的救援行動。它是羽量級和電池的最大的可攜性。
I pad NF1200 被為了治療快速心室性心動過速和心室顫動 (VF)。這兩個條件是心臟驟 (SCA) 最常見的原因。政制事務局局長,在受害者的心臟突然停止抽。突然出現這種情況可能會給任何年齡組不發出警告。政制事務局局長的唯一有效治療是衝擊的應用程式的 defibrillating。
I pad NF1200 一直製造,自 2001 年以來的銅醫療系統,公司在世界各地發行。() www.cu911.com

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