Present perfect tense

2011-11-15 10:17 pm
Present perfect tense More example:1. We’ve never had a car.2. Everything is going well. We haven’t had my problem.3. Have you had a holiday this year? 請問3條例句中, 点解會用 have had………., had是不是由have 轉變 had (past particple), 作用是不是加强語氣. 還是有其它文法或句子意思. thanks!

回答 (7)

2011-11-20 8:33 pm
係,現在完成式係have/has+過去分詞(p.p),咁has/have嘅過去分詞係had,形容時間長度,但唔一定係加強語氣...有過去完成式(past perfect tense),係故事裡面用嘅完成式,had had,其他用法一樣
2011-11-17 3:27 am
Had 是have 的past participle。
這是present perfect tense。它是由(have/has)+(past participle) 組成的。例如have had, has eaten, have died 等。它的作用並不是要加強語氣,而是指出這件事在從前發生,並已經完成了。它與過去式的分別在於present perfect tense是要指出過去的事件與現在的關係。如題1,We've never had a car. Never + present perfect tense 指出從未的意思。 我們從來都沒有擁有過一輛汽車。 題2,We haven't had my problem. 我們沒有任何問題或困難。至於題3 , have you had a holiday this year? 即是問你今年有放過假/去過旅行嗎?

2011-11-16 7:34 am
1. We've never had a car (so we don't have a car now). (affects present result)
2. Everything is going well. We haven't had my problem. (The second sentence is the cause and the first one is the result)
3. Have you had a holiday this year? (The person asking this question wants to know whether you had holiday for the whole year - it focuses on a period of time)
2011-11-16 5:34 am
Present Perfect Tense係用以表示以前發生的事情, 繼續延長至說話的時間內. 即簡單些說係以前發生的事情, 現在仍然繼續進行, 並不是用作加强語氣的. Present Perfect Tense中文係現在完成時態. 應用時常將 'just', 'already', 'since', 'for', 'yet'等字插在句子中.

1. We've never had a car. 我們從沒有一部車 (以前沒有車到現在仍然沒有車)

had係由have 轉變had (past participle).

2011-11-16 3:52 am
this past particple only
not for 加强語氣
just saying some start at past time but it is continue now
such as
i have done the homework already.

2011-11-15 19:54:10 補充:
i have lost my bag
This is a example
i lost it past time but i am also losing this moment
2011-11-16 1:49 am

呢度有教你Present perfect tense既用法~~~

參考: Yahoo!知識
2011-11-16 1:08 am
had是由have 轉變 had (past particple)
參考: me

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