急! 急! 急!物理 - 折射線問題..

2011-11-15 8:47 pm
下例有兩組圖,資料完全相同,只是一個在天空望向水,另一個在水裏望向天空 , A圖因為水的密度比空氣高,所以不會產生臨界角(即不會發生全內射), 所以答案是D(亞SIR話的), 但B圖位置剛好相反, 所以應該會產生臨界角(即發生全內射), 圖3應該是看不見鳥, 但點亞SIR又話答案同A圖一樣都是D ???? 真的一頭霚水,完全唔明, 請高人詳細指點.
圖1 : 0度 圖2 : 30度. 圖3: 60度(大過臨界角,應產生全內射)


回答 (1)

2011-11-15 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your teacher is right.

Be aware that light rays do not travel along the dotted-lines shown on the diagram. Because of refraction at the water-air boundary, light rays that come from the object (either the fish in water or the bird in air) reach the eye along some other paths.

Light rays coming out from an object travel in ALL DIRECTIONS. As long as your eyes catch a light ray, you could see the image of the object.

The diagram in the middle of the web-page below gives how light rays coming out from a fish under water are refracted at the surface. You could see that if you eyes are placed at any angle to the water surface, you still can catch a light ray and thus can see the fish. http://www.physics.louisville.edu/cldavis/phys299/notes/lo_tir.html
The diagram in the following link gives a similar picture when the eye is under water. Again, you could see that the eye can see an object flying at any angle above the water surface. No matter at what position the bird is, there is still a light ray enters into the eye. http://www.karinlauphoto.com/compound-lens/images/2460_31_36.jpg
In fact, diagrams A and B are just showing the Principle of Reversibility of Light. If you can see the fish (or bird), the fish (or bird) can see you.

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