
2011-11-15 5:40 am
客家人唱山歌,並且在不同的場合、節慶時有對歌的風俗。 客家人與明清時代的其他漢族人不同,歷來從沒有裹腳的習俗,窮人家女子一般赤腳或穿木屐,與男子無異。 客家人有在清明節做艾粄的習俗,各地的掃墓時間不同(見掃墓條)。 客家人有拾骨葬的習俗,拾骨葬是客家文化繼承百越文化的一部份。 請用英文譯


回答 (3)

2011-11-15 12:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) It has been a traditional habit of Hakka tribe to sing Folk songs during various occasions or celebrations.
2) It had been no practice of squeezed ankle for Hakka women since Ming Dynasty and meantime they were different from other tribes in case the women lived in poor families had to walk with bare foot or wearing wooden shoes as other men.
3) It has been a tradition of Hakka to make Muwort mash in Ching Ming Festival in which different provinces with its designated time of sweeping grave (see attachment).
4) It has been a tradition of Hakka to exhume for putting into the ossuary; that has been inherited from part of the culture of Pak Yuet ancestor or Dynasty.
The famous Hakka People' Names: Not available.

2011-11-19 4:38 pm
1Hakka people sing folk songs in duets in different occasions and festivals.
Hakka people are different from Han people of Ming and Qing dynasty, which never bind female's feet, poor women are the same as men, wear nothing or clogs.
Hakka people make dumplings call Ai Pan during Qing Ming Festival, they have different time to sweep ancestors' tombs.(see further information in 'sweep ancestors' tombs')
Hakka people have the custom of reburying, which is a culture heritage of Pak Yuet Culture.


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