sentence structure改錯處,請好心人幫幫手!

2011-11-13 10:05 pm
1.Check your message board daily and respond promptly, to those whom are trying to reach you.
2.Calling the office at least twice a day to pick up any telephone messages and return these calls promptly.
3.Transmit any work you do on the computer to Jerry Gonzalez manger of our computer services department.He will analyze each week's accounts but send it to the proper Departments.

4.Provide me with monthly reports of your progress.

5.We will continue to hold weekly staff meeting on Friday at 1000.Do you think it would be possible for you to attend one or two of them. The next one is Friday,May17th.


回答 (3)

2011-11-18 1:55 pm
1) Check the notice board daily if there is any then reply promptly.
2) Phone up the office at least twice a day to check whether there is any telephone message recorded if so return the call promptly.
3) Email any accounting work done by you to Jerry Gonzalez, the manager of the computer services Department. Then he will analyze it on weekly basis and send the results to the related Departments.

2011-11-18 06:14:13 補充:
4)Submit your monthly report to me for any progress.
5)The weekly staff meeting is to be held on every Friday at 10:00 hours. Do you think you could have time to attend it. The next one will be on Friday May 17th.
2011-11-14 10:34 am
1.Check your message board daily and respond promptly, to those whom try to reach you.
2.Call the office at least twice a day to pick up any telephone messages and return these calls promptly.
3.Transmit any work you do on the computer to Jerry Gonzalez manger of our computer services department.He will analyze each week's accounts and send it to the proper Departments.
4.Provide me with the monthly report of your progress.
5.We will continue to hold weekly staff meeting on Friday at 10:00.Do you think it would be possible for you to attend one or two of them? The next one is on Friday, May17th.
2011-11-14 4:38 am
1.Check your message board daily and respond promptly, to those who are trying to reach you.
2.Call the office at least twice a day to pick up any telephone messages and return these calls promptly.
3.Transmit any work you do on the computer to Jerry Gonzalez, the manager of our computer services department.He will analyze each week's accounts and send it to the proper Departments.

4.Provide me (no 'with') monthly reports of your progress.

5.We will continue to hold weekly staff meeting on Friday at 1000.Do you think it would be possible for you to attend one or two of them?The next one is on Friday,May17th.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:28:07
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