past tense / perfect tense 句子

2011-11-12 8:57 pm

(13)simple past tense or the present perfect tense

1. I _______ ( join) the school choir when I was in Secondary 1.
2. I am hungry because I ________( not have ) anything to eat yet.
3. Hurry up ! The wedding ceremony ______(start).
4. I _______ ( be ) a member of the school football team for over three years now.
5. Call Sue back . She _______( call ) you five minutes ago.
6. When _____ you ______ ( visit ) your uncle?

There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline the wrong words and write the correct ones in the spaces.錯字填在( )內。

1. Mr and Mrs Wong love travelling. They visited a lot of places.( )
2. Tim has learnt Korean a few years ago, but he has forgotten it now.
( )
3. Did you see my mobile phone? I put it here just a minute ago.( )
4. Kong Kong changed a lot since I moved to Canada last year.( )
5. Mrs Poon has become the Principal of our school in January 2009.( )
6. You were sick for a week . Go and see a doctor !( )

the simple past tense or the present perfect tense

1. Amy: How many novels _________ Dan Brown ____________ ( write ) ?
Philip: I don't know. Quite a lot , I guess .
2. Peter: Yuo look tired , Manfred.
Manfred: I know . I _______ ( not sleep ) well last night.
3. Lily: Excuse me . _____ Miss Lau _______ ( leave ) any document for me to pick up ?
Miss Lai: I'm sorry. She _______ ( not pass ) half an hour ago.
Lily: Can I talk to Miss Leung, then?
Miss Lai: Sorry, but she _______ ( leave ) half an hour ago.
4. Fiona: _______ you ever _______ (see) Carol's dad?
Tina: Yes, Carol _______ ( introduce ) him to me when I ______ ( see ) them yesterday.



回答 (2)

2011-11-12 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. joined
2. have not had
3. has started
4. have been
5. called
6. did, visit

1. visited -> have visited
2. has learnt -> had learnt
3. did you see -> have you seen
4. changed -> has changed
5. has become -> became
6. were -> have been

1. has, written
2. did not
3. did leave
did not pass by
4. have, seen
introduced, saw

2011-11-12 23:44:33 補充:
第二題題目有"yet"怎麼會用"simple past"??
第五題Sue是在五分鐘前(一個非常明確的時間點)打過電話,事情只在那一點上發生,怎麼會用到present perfect??


參考: nobodyfantasy
2011-11-13 5:53 am
1. visited
2. did not have
3. have started
4. have been
5. have called
6. had,visited

1. visited(have visited)
2. has forgotten(forget)
3. put(have put)
4. changed(have changed)
5. has become(became)
6. were(have been)

1. has,written
2. did not sleep
3. Has,left/has not passed/has left
4. Have,seen/introduced/saw

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