
2011-11-12 8:55 pm
問題 1 請問如何運用與子女相處的時間?
問題 2 請問如何培養子女之自理能力?
問題 3 对孩子其實正確要應抱著有甚麼期望呢?
問題 4 應如何參與孩子的教育呢?
問題 5 怎樣才是良好的家長同學校合作關係呢?
以上五條問題, 小弟突然在心中常常在想,使本人好多時訓吾倒覺!! 精神很差,覺得生孩子壓力好大好大!!!
萬分感激!!! 謝謝各位 !

回答 (1)

2011-11-16 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, are you a father now, going to or planning to be? You have these questions in mind which means you are a responsible parent or person. That's very good. Being a parent isn't easy, you have a hugh responsibility of your children's life. There are no correct or wrong expectation on your children. It's all depend on how you think, how you want them to be. For myself, I just want my children to be happy, and being good people. For children education, picking the right school is very important. You can do some research about the schools you may want them to get in, 教學方針同方法係點尼?同你小朋友既性格配合嗎?After they get in, you may try to join the PTA if it has. About the 自理能力, as children grow, they develop certain motor skills which help them to develop their 自理能力..for older children, you may distribute some responsibilities at home to them, such as tidy up the toys after playing, eat meals by themselves, sit at table when having meal etc. The important point is they know their roles and what kinda responsibilities they have in the family.hope this can help

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