2011-11-12 7:41 pm
Suppose the number of visitors to Hong Kong in 2000 was 13 000 000, and thereafter the number of visitors is 5% more than that of the previous year.

(c)Find the total number of visitors to Hong Kong from 2002 to 2047 inclusive.(4 sig fig)

The total number of years to count = 2047 - 2002 + 1 = 46.( 點解要加1???)

find the toal number of babies born in HK from 1997-2046 inclusive
the total number of years to count 2046-1997=49( 點解不要加1???)

find the number of leap years( a year that is divisble by 4) between 1997and 2046.

回答 (2)

2011-11-12 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you want to count the visitors number of from 2002 to 2004,
the first year is 2002, the second year is 2003, the third year is 2004, no.=3
equation=2004-2002+1=3, you have a visitors number in each year

if you count the babies no.from 2002 to 2003,
2002~2003 is one year 2003~2004 is the second, no.=2
equation=2004-2002=2, you have a babies number in between each year

The leap year which greater than 1997 begin from 2000
2000 & 2044 is divisble by 4
therefore, the no. of leap years= (2044-2000)/4+1
= 12
2011-11-12 10:57 pm

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