
2011-11-12 5:58 pm
老乞丐遊戲代幣買餛飩 好心店主不拆穿獲讚賞

內地網民近日爆料,稱一名老乞丐經常光顧吉林省長春市一家餛飩店,他常用遊戲代幣當成真錢來買餛飩,但好心店主一直不拆穿,照樣給老人餛飩吃,引來網民讚賞。 網民稱,他在長春市朝陽區新疆街市場附近一家餛飩店吃飯時,發現一名長者拿着一把摻雜有遊戲代幣的零錢買包子和餛飩,店主卻「一聲不吭」把遊戲幣放到兜裏,從來沒有當面拆穿,為的是讓該老人有尊嚴地吃飯。「我非常感動,我支持餛飩店老闆的做法」。有網民讚賞店主的高尚情操,不但幫了那名老人,還顧及其尊嚴.「應讓老人有尊嚴生活」 記者日前找到餛飩店的店主劉大軍,他說:「我感覺這只是一件小事,不值一提,我相信普通人都會而且能夠做到的。」劉大軍稱,該老人的眼睛和耳朵都不太靈光,相信他不是故意用遊戲代幣買食物,自己不揭穿他只因覺得「應該讓老人有尊嚴地生活」。 劉大軍拿出老人給他買餛飩的「4個硬幣」,當中只有1個標有「大玩家」字樣的遊戲幣,其他分別是日圓、港幣和人民幣。劉大軍說,該老人主要以乞討為生,但很愛面子,「他乞討從來不去人多的地方,他總去人少的地方」。報道指,這名老人約70多歲,頭部在年少時受過傷。 俗語有云:好心有好報,劉大軍的好心事迹經報道後,其餛飩店生意隨即好起來,顧客都要排隊入內進食。長春市一名孩子還受到劉大軍的好心感動,把自己平時儲下來的硬幣捐給該家餛飩店,稱要用來替換老人今後吃飯時的遊戲幣。

回答 (2)

2011-11-15 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Shop Owner's Kind Act of Slience Drew Praises

A kind-hearted wonton shop owner in Changchun, Jilin, who constantly condoned an old beggar's passing of game tokens for real money in buying food from his shop has drawn praises from across China after the story hit internet chatrooms.

The shop owner was said to have feigned ignorance when the old man handed him a handful of small change mixed with game tokens to buy buns and wontons at his wonton shop located near Xinjiang Street market in Chaoyang District, Changchun. He put the tokens into his till as if nothing was wrong, believing that the old man should be allowed to eat like a respected customer. Many internet users were moved by the story. Some approved it not just as an act of simple altruism but a noble expression of resepct of human dignity.

"It's a minor matter not worth mentioning. Anyone could do the same," said the shop owner, by the name Liu Da-jun, when approched by our reporters. He believed that the old man who had poor eyesight and hearing did not intend to cheat. "Old people should live in dignity," he said when asked why he chose not to expose him.

Liu Da-jun showed four coins the old man gave him, which included one game token from a nearby game centre, and coins from Japan, Hong Kong and China. Liu added that the old man begged for a living but had his pride. "He does not beg on busy streets but in quieter places," Liu said. It was said that the man in his 70s had injury on his head believed to be sustained in earlier years.

The story of Liu Da-jun may be a proverbial one where kindness pays, as the name of his wonton shop has spreaded, drawing crowds of patrons. A local child came up with a plan to hand the small change he had saved up to Liu, in exchange for the game tokens he received from the old man.

2011-11-13 12:35 am
Old beggar gaming tokens to buy wonton kind-hearted shopkeeper does not expose an appreciation
Internet users in mainland claimed in recent days, said an old beggar frequented a wonton restaurant in Changchun City, Jilin province, he commonly used gaming tokens as real money to buy wonton, but kind shopkeeper had not been exposed, so also to the elderly eating ravioli, attracting Internet users appreciate.Internet users said that he, Chaoyang District, Changchun City, near a street market in Xinjiang wonton restaurant meal, found a senior citizen took a game tokens in change buy doping dumplings and boiled, shopkeepers are "silent" coins in the Pocket games, never directly exposed to allow the elderly to eat with dignity. "I was very moved, I support the wonton restaurant boss". Users appreciate the noble sentiments of shopkeepers, have not only helped the old name, but also take into account their dignity. " the elderly live with dignity "
Reporters find wonton restaurant owner Liu Dajun, he said: "I feel like it's just a trifle, nothing, I believe that ordinary people will and can do. "Liu Dajun says the old man's eyes and ears are rather thought that he didn't mean to use gaming tokens to buy food, do not expose themselves he only felt" people should be allowed to live in dignity ".
Liu Dajun took out to buy him for the elderly wonton "4 coins", of which only 1 is marked with "big players" word game coins, others are the Japanese yen, Hong Kong dollar and Renminbi. Liu Dajun says, the old main to begging, but love went on, "he begged and never go to crowded places, where he went to one less". Reports, this old man is about more than 70 years, in years when a wound to his head.
There is a saying: good good, kind deeds of Liu Dajun after it has been reported, the wonton restaurant business is better, customers queuing out to eat.
參考: ME

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