
2011-11-11 1:30 am

回答 (7)

2011-11-12 2:47 am

過去式: stirred

解釋: to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern

vt. 及物動詞Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 母親把麵粉和牛奶攪成濃漿。The wind stirs the leaves. 風吹動樹葉。The news stirred him to action. 這消息促使他採取行動。A shriek stirred me from sleep. 尖叫聲把我從睡夢中喚醒。vi. 不及物動詞She stirred now and again in her sleep. 她睡覺時不時翻來覆去。Sam is not stirring yet. 山姆還沒有起床。n. 名詞 [C]The book caused quite a stir. 這本書引起了轟動。
參考: me
2011-11-12 2:31 am
stir 過去式: stirred
step 過去式:stepped
參考: fon
2011-11-11 10:58 am
The past participle of the verb stir is stirred. The following is the definitions of the verb from yahoo dictionary:

vt. 及物動詞攪拌, 攪動Mother stirred the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 母親把麵粉和牛奶攪成濃漿。攪進, 拌入[O][(+into)]動; 移動; 搖動; 撥動The wind stirs the leaves. 風吹動樹葉。激起; 激動; 轟動; 鼓動; 煽動[(+to)]The news stirred him to action. 這消息促使他採取行動。喚醒; 喚起[(+from)]A shriek stirred me from sleep. 尖叫聲把我從睡夢中喚醒。vi. 不及物動詞微動; 移動; 活動; 離開She stirred now and again in her sleep. 她睡覺時不時翻來覆去。【口】起床Sam is not stirring yet. 山姆還沒有起床。(消息)傳佈; 流通; 流行攪動; 拌和【口】搬弄是非n. 名詞 [C]微動; 騷動; 激動; 轟動[S1]The book caused quite a stir. 這本書引起了轟動。撥動, 攪拌 The past participle of ‘step’ is ‘stepped’. 1. 腳步[C]She took a few steps towards the window. 她向窗口走了幾步。2. 腳步聲[C]3. 一步的距離; 短距離[C]The museum is only a short step away from our school. 博物館離我們學校不遠。4. 步伐, 步調[U][C]5. 足跡[C]6. 臺階[P]7. 步驟; 手段; 措施[C]Steps have been taken to ensure safety. 已採取了安全措施。8. 踏板; 梯級; (接近目標的)一步, 一階段[C]They have made a big step in their business. 他們在事業上邁進了一大步。9. 等級; 升級10. 舞步[C]11. (計量器的)一個刻度[C]12. 【美】【音】音階vi.[Q]1. 跨步; 走; 步行Please step this way. 請這邊走。2. 踏(進), 跨(入)She stepped into the room and sat down in a sofa. 她走進屋子在沙發上坐下。3. 踩, 踩住[(+on)]Sorry! Did I step on your toes? 對不起! 我是不是踩到你的腳了?vt. 及物動詞1. 跨(步); 踏(腳); 散步於He stepped the riverside. 他在河邊行走。2. 跳舞3. 步測[(+out/off)]4. 使成梯級
參考: Me myself and Yahoo dictionary
2011-11-11 4:28 am
您好,我是 lop,高興能解答您的問題。

stir 過去式:stirred
step 過去式:stepped
參考: Hope I Can Help You ^_^ ( From me )
2011-11-11 2:14 am
2011-11-11 2:00 am
thxstep ok yes
參考: yahoo

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