
2011-11-11 7:48 am
1.Can we begin by discussing matters ----- from the last meeting?四個選項裡,我在arising 和 raised這兩個困惑答案是arising 我不知道這題目所附的答案是否正確想請教老師我的認為是這文法應該是matters which was raised from the last meeting而which was省略掉了,所以我選raised但是錯的,想請問老師為什麼要選arising 2.Heaters ----- in the winter months.選項有A. is sold wellB. sell wellC. are sold goodD. will be sold good正確答案是B我想問這個heaters在這裡可以當做主動....表示賣得很好嗎?不是應該是"被"賣得很好???不過在C.D 這兩個選項good好像也不能當做形容賣得"很好"的副詞所以sell well這種文法是可以的嗎? 3.The public ----- to express their opinions.我在這兩個選項is invitedare invited之間疑惑答案是are invited我想問the public 可以當作複數嗎?我一直是以為單數的 4.Doyle was very impressed by Dr. Bell's ability to make deductions. Bell argued that there was nothing particularly clever about ------ he did as his deductions were based on the kind of careful observation that anybody could make.我困惑在這該選what或是that?為什麼不能選that? 以上四題

回答 (2)

2011-11-11 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 這一題不能選 raised 的原因是它的主要意涵不是「提出」,而且即使是提出,
也不會與介系詞直接連用,被動語態也是如此;arise 則十分適用「發生」等字義,
arise from 更是一個常用的動詞片語,意為「源自...」、「由於...」,所以選 arising

2. 這一題的 sell 不是及物動詞用法,是不及物且可用無生命的主詞,字義稍微不同,
比如說:Apple's iPad sells well recently.
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince sold better in England than in Australia.

3. 意見區的大大有很好的解釋,the public 應以複數看待,另外還有看似單數名詞,
實則應以複數處理的名詞,舉如:the police(警方)、the cattle(牛群)。

4. that 與 what 都是關係代名詞的一種,但是前者必須有先行詞,後者不可以有,
前者的先行詞可以是主詞或受詞,而且在 so... that... 與 it is... that 句型中,允許形容詞

2011-11-15 08:34:48 補充:
arise (發生) 的主詞可以是無生命的或抽象的事物,是主動語態,極少用在被動。
2011-11-11 2:51 pm
1. problems, matters, issues等這些都是用"arise"去表達的,"raise"是"lift-up/increase"等意思.

2. "sell" 在這裡是促銷的意思,請參考例句:
- His name on the cover will ~ the book.

3. "public"在這裡指的是公民(people),所以被當作複數看待。

4. 倒裝句,所以用"what"反問的方式去表達。

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