
2011-11-11 4:43 am
那我這句寫這樣 It was it that I did.
強調我做的那個東西it 怎有人認為不正確呢??
2.He is wrong.然後這種的 一樣使用強調句型it is....that(who)
It is___that(who) is wrong. 為什麼外國人認為說要使用受格him
可是書上說後接子句必須要使用主格才正確 是否書上語法太死還是??

3.Can it be my watch that he has taken?
這句文法自己寫的外國人也說很奇怪 可是我看不太出來哪裡不合適
主格變強調受格my watch這樣就不太順口了嗎 這句不是一個強調句嗎?


回答 (3)

2011-11-11 8:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.強調"it"就不應用"it was"來強調,而應該用"this was"或"that was"。 我覺得想要強調"it"的話最好用以下說法: - "That" was what I did. - "This" was what I did. - "That" is what I did. - "This" is what I did. 直接用"that"或"this"代替"it"。比如說你媽媽叫你吃水果不是吃零食: A: I told you to eat fruits not junk food! B: That's what I did! 2.沒錯,外國人通常是使用受格,因為平時普通的口語對話,如果講得太正規,會讓人覺得很沉悶;再者,現在很多情形下已不會太過注重用詞的格式,比如說"who"本身只是主格,"whom"才是"who"的受格,理應"Who did you get it for?"這是錯誤的,但事實上,在國外考試裡這麼寫的話是不會被扣分的(除非是非常非常非常正式及嚴厲的英文考試)。 ("Whom did you get it for?" 這是正規寫法) 再舉個例子,比如說"I am"的過去式應該是"I was"才對,但平時大家口頭交談的時候或許會用到"I were",也是可以接受的。(但"I were"在考試上盡量避免,因為除了"if I were"這種假設情形外,"I were"在正式場合是不被接受的,不像"whom=who"已被普遍接受) 關於你舉的例子,外國人一般是這麼說的: - you are the one who's wrong! (名詞one,所以後面接is) - I am the one who's wrong!(同上) - it is me that's wrong! (受格me,所以後面接is) - it is you that's wrong! (受格you,所以後面接is) 或者更直接點: - it's your fault. - it's my fault. It is _______ that is wrong. 如果以上句子空白處是填主格的話,那麼 "that" 後面不該接 "is",而是要看主格人稱。 - It is I that am wrong. (It is me that is wrong. 受格me接is) - It is you that are wrong. (It is you that is wrong. 受格you接is) - It is he that is wrong. (It is him that is wrong. 受格him接is) - It is she that is wrong. (It is her that is wrong. 受格her接is) - It is they that are wrong. (It is them that are wrong. 受格them接are) - It is we that are wrong. (It is us that are wrong. 受格us接are)3.個人認為這不是強調句,因為看不出來它是強調“我的手錶”,還是強調“他拿走了”。 如果要強調手錶,我覺得這樣表達比較好: - Was/Is it my watch that he has taken? - Was it my watch that he took? 如果要強調是他拿走的,則是以下: - Would it be him that has taken my watch? - Is it him that has taken my watch? - Was it him that took my watch? 如果將"Can it be my watch that he has taken?"翻譯成中文,會是“他拿走的有可能是我的手錶嗎?”,同樣是看不出強調的部份,只能分辨出“他拿走了一個手錶”是事實,“他拿走的手錶是我的”則是未被肯定的。 如果要強調他拿走的是“我的手錶”,就會說“他拿走的是我的手錶嗎?” (Is/Was it my watch that he's taken?) 如果要強調“是他”拿走了我的手錶,就會說“拿走了我手錶的人是他嗎?”或者“是他拿走了我的手錶嗎?” (Is he the person that has taken my watch? / Is it him that has taken my watch?)

2011-11-11 01:30:09 補充:
Can it that he has taken be my watch?
Can what he has taken be my watch?

原句 Can it be my watch that he has taken? 文法是正確的。
參考: nobodyfantasy
2011-11-11 5:19 am
那我這句寫這樣 It was it that I did.
強調我做的那個東西it 怎有人認為不正確呢??
寫 It was it that I did. 文法上無誤,講的時後it + that = what,It was what I did.聽起來較順耳,老美 聽 It was it that I did.,像台灣人在聽歌仔戲

2.He is wrong.然後這種的 一樣使用強調句型it is....that(who)
It is___that(who) is wrong. 為什麼外國人認為說要使用受格him
可是書上說後接子句必須要使用主格才正確 是否書上語法太死還是??

3.Can it be my watch that he has taken?
這句文法自己寫的外國人也說很奇怪 可是我看不太出來哪裡不合適
主格變強調受格my watch這樣就不太順口了嗎 這句不是一個強調句嗎?

寫錯了!Can it that he has taken be my watch?才對,同第一個問題一樣,講話時
Can what he has taken be my watch?聽起來順耳


2011-11-11 4:54 am
1.應該是It's me who did that. 你寫兩個it錯的很嚴重喔!
3.Is it the one that he has taken?才對

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