Did Anyone Else Guess The 3rd Agency Perry Would Abolish?

2011-11-10 7:41 am
I guessed it! "Dept of Energy"
However, I sprained my elbow patting myself on the back. heh heh.

Ron Paul suggested 5 LOL! That's even better. I'd abolish as many as they got!!

"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." ~ Grover Norquist

回答 (5)

2011-11-10 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
I kinda lost interest, after the announcer said...........Ladies and Gentlemen.,.here are your candidates.

I just clicked the tv off after that. What a sorry lot of losers.
2011-11-10 6:20 pm
2011-11-10 5:34 pm
Sure did.

參考: Obvious to me, if not idiot boy.
2011-11-10 3:58 pm
That moment made my week! I was literally laughing my *** off. But Perry wouldn't abolish any of them, he was just stealing good ideas from Paul. Notice how he kept looking to Paul for the answer when he couldn't think of a 3rd one to throw out there? Also, if he really did intend to abolish 3 departments, he would know them by heart.
2011-11-10 3:43 pm
It looks like he couldn't spell education, so he opted or energy!!!

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