Are there any possible jobs for me in pedigree cat breeding?

2011-11-09 1:11 pm
I want so much to become an adviser of cats which may do the following jobs:
1. Check out what kind of cats do a certain group of people like
2. Deal with cat shows
3. Assist famous cat breeder
4. Take care of various pedigree cats
5. Take time getting along with the pedigree cats
The above mentioned are what I can think of for now, and I am pretty eager to know if there is any possibility that I can have a job like that? Similar ones are okay too.

If the answer is yes, please also tell me the location of the job and its responsibilities.

Thanks a million!

回答 (4)

2011-11-09 6:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I've never heard of the job "adviser of cats". You could be a cat show judge but they make VERY little money judging. I don't know a single one of them that judging is sole profession. To become a judge you have to first be a breeder, someone who shows cats of your own, a ring clerk, a master clerk, a judge trainee, etc. It takes YEARS!

If you started to show a cat of your own, even just a domestic of your own in the Household Pet class, you could make friends with breeders and offer to "agent" (bring their cat to a show, put it up in rings, etc) one of their pedigreed at a show. Doubtful anyone would pay you to do this, though. This is usually something friends just do for eachother.

I think you're a bit confused about pedigreed cat breeders. Like Ocimom already so well said, they're not "businesses" with money to throw around. They don't "get rich" breeding cats and they don't have the need to nor the money to pay someone to "assist" them or care for their cats. All their money goes into feeding, vet bills, etc as well as thousands every year showing their cats so their cats and earn titles and the cattery can make a name for itself. They tend to have only a few breeding cats and only one litter each year. I know someone who has some of the top Persians in the WORLD and even she still holds a full time regular job as well.

Why don't you instead VOLUNTEER your time at a shelter? You could also volunteer with a breed rescue group if there's a certain breed you really like (Persian, Ragdoll, etc). These rescue groups gather up adoptable cats from shelters and foster them so they have a much better chance of finding homes.
2011-11-10 12:03 am
Cat shows/breeding is informal. There are no "jobs". The cat breeding is an individual thing where the breeder has one or two breeds they are working with in the privacy of their homes. So its not a commercial thing.

Cat shows are put on by cat clubs. If you want to help in a cat show, you need to first attend a local cat show and then inquire as to meeting, joining, etc. Clubs are always looking for new members to help out.
2011-11-10 11:35 am
Pedigreed cats are a pit of ruin as far as money is concerned. People not only don't make money with them, they very rarely break even. Sorry to sound so negative, but it is just the truth. I used to be in the Fancy, but could not keep up with the cost. Go to one of the Fancy;s website, like the CFA or ACFA (Cat Fanciers Assn. or American Cat Fanciers Assn.) and find out when they are holding a show near you. Go to the show and ask the numerous breeders who will be there all your questions. You will get some good information and see some beautiful cats. Enjoy! As the saying goes, "It's not a job, it's an adventure."
2011-11-10 11:56 pm
Sorry, I'm afraid you're out of luck as far as doing this for a job. That doesn't mean you can't do some of these sort of things on a volunteer basis. but you'll need something else to earn a living.

There are some paid jobs in the main office of a major cat registry. But that would be pretty much just an office job dealing with registrations, accounting, etc. I don't think it's really what you have in mind.

If you could travel back in time about a hundred years or so, back then there were some highly regarded wealthy breeders who had breeding catteries with enough cats that they employed cattery attendants to help look after them.
Nowadays you just don't really see that sort of set-up with reputable breeders. Usually the breeder and family members are the ones looking after the cats and they don't have large numbers of breeding cats. It's not a profitable business, it's an expensive avocation. They do it because they love the breed.

But if you want to get into the cat fancy, start going to some cat shows if you can. You'll have a chance to see many breeds of pedigreed cats and meet breeders and owners who are showing them. talk to people. Understand that their cats are competing, and they're having to groom them, listen for ring announcements etc., And just like in any group of people, there are all sorts .... some may not be very talkative, some may be better at dealing with animals than humans! But others are extremely friendly and outgoing and happy to talk about their cats. A friend I often show with is always glad to talk to interested new people and lets them hold her cats and sometimes lets them help out by carrying a cat to a ring.

A volunteer job at cat shows is Ring Stewards, and it's usually young people whose parents are breeders / exhibitors but it could be anybody . That involves wiping the ring cages with disinfectant in between cats and otherwise assisting the ring clerk and the judge. You get free lunch. and you get to see all the cats in the show. Another job at shows is ring clerks. That's more complicated and takes more training. You get paid a little bit.

Then there's of course the judges. They get paid but not a huge amount. . And they only get to be a judge after years of breeding, showing and volunteering with clubs who put on shows. Then they have to apply to be a judge & be accepted into a training program, then go through a lot of training with other judges

Once you start going to shows you could join a club that sponsors the shows, and volunteer to help in lots of ways.

Start showing a cat if you have one you think might enjoy it. You don't even have to have a show quality pedigreed cat of your own to start showing, there are classes (categories) for "Household Pets" . . and while you're going to shows you will see a lot of breeds, maybe you'll decide on a breed you'd like to have, and you can get a show alter to show in the class for spayed/ neutered pedigree cats. . Some people get them as kittens but another possibility is a retired breeding/ show cat who showed well and would still enjoy competing as an alter.
I'm not sure of your age, but if you're a kid/ teenager, I know CFA & TICA have junior showmanship programs.which includes getting to enter your cats in shows at a reduced price.

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