2011-11-08 10:47 am
What do you think will happen? I believe it will be a lovely beautiful Moon as Taurus is known for Their Beauty. But I also think there will be some Raging Bulls too. Watch your Taurus Loved Ones at High Frequency. I have learned more from the Full Moon than any other way.

So have you got a Crazy Full Moon Story? We all probably due but it was so emotionally painful we repressed the details...

Chiron goes Direct at 0 Pisces at 5:14 PM CST the SAME DAY as the Full Moon.

And Transiting Mars moves into Virgo on at 10:15 PM CST the SAME DAY as the Full Moon.

Oh Neptune goes into Direct Motion the day before all of this craziness. The DAY BEFORE the Full Moon. (the 9th, Wednesday)

That's alot of energy right there. Weird stuff going on. Full Moon. Mars entering Virgo, Chiron goes Direct at 0 degrees Pisces. So Mars and Chiron will be in opposition. That should be interesting!

OH the Full Moon works equally well on people that have either the Sun or the Moon in Taurus. There is illumination on the Emotions and/or anyone that has Taurus in their chart. My daughter has a Taurus Mars. Wonder what will happen when the Full Moon illuminates all of our Taurus placements in our natal chart. There is always something for everyone during a Full Moon.

The Full Moon gives us a knowledge about astrology better than any astrology book I've read and I have read tons. Ok That is an exaggeration. I have read many.

So where are your Taurus placements that are going to be our "entertainment" on Thursday? Got any clues?

回答 (5)

2011-11-08 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Is the media aware of this great event? This is going to make history so they must know about this already.
Or maybe it is not so great. But you say there is going to be a lot of energy. How much energy is a lot? What kind? Enough to be detected and measured? What do I think will happen just because of a moon phase? Not a damn thing. Most people will not even know let alone care. Venus has phases too but that seems not to matter. I'll admire the beauty of the moon instead.

Edit: So it's over, anything happen?
2011-11-08 1:38 pm
yaay taurus moon. My moon is Taurus 8 degrees.
don't mind chain, he has a wedgie..
2011-11-08 2:09 pm
Interesting. My father has sun,moon and venus in taurus. Gotta watch him on thursday.
參考: Aquarius male
2011-11-09 12:29 am
I sent a copy of this- to my son with the Taurus Sun.
His wife has a Taurus Moon. She doesn't pay much attention to anything Metaphysical- She "prefers" using her brain instead........? oh, well. I wouldn't even TRY, to convince her, otherwise!
It sounds like this should really have an affect on both of them. (believe it or not!)
2016-05-17 1:50 am
it's never too early for a Miller Lite drink it up

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