
2011-11-08 6:38 am
BUOYED by a rising tide of prosperity, consumers have gone on a damn-the-expense, damn-the-high-cost-of-living buying spree. The sustained burst of personal spending, especially in the first three months of 1973, is propelling retail sales and corporate profits to new peaks. It is also raising nightmarish prospects for Administration policymakers charged with the tricky taskof keeping the economy moving briskly while avoiding a destructiveprice spiral. Their efforts to check inflation could well prove futileunless the blistering pace of consumer buying is somehow slowed in themonths ahead.請不要用翻譯器,我想學一些翻譯的竅門.尤其是一下句子,重點解下thx.:1.rising tide of prosperity2.The sustained burst of personal spending

3. tricky task

4.efforts to check inflation

5.damn-the-expense, damn-the-high-cost-of-living buying spree

回答 (1)

2011-11-11 8:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1.rising tide of prosperity 社會日益富裕的趨勢 / 大勢2.The sustained burst of personal spending 個人銷費不停膨脹

3. tricky task - 難辦的任務

4.efforts to check inflation 控制通脹的努力

5.damn-the-expense, damn-the-high-cost-of-living buying spree 懶理生活開支高的態度, 帶來的消費高潮

在社會日趨富裕的大勢推動下, 消費者對高生活開支顯得懶得理會, 掀起消費狂潮. 個人消費不斷膨脹, 其中以1973年首三個月最為明顯, 零售額和企業盈利續創高峰. 為政者對前景大為頭痛, 因為要同時保持經濟的高增長, 但又要避免物價狂升帶來破壞, 乃是棘手任務. 如高速增長的消費不在未來幾個月內出現某些放緩跡象, 控制通脹的努力便宣告失敗

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