
2011-11-07 10:04 pm
Please FAX this information directly to me in 5pm on wednesday ,15 November.

If you have any querying, please contact my assistant , John Chan ,who will be visiting you on Tuesday 5 November.

係parts of speech黎,請求高人指點!

回答 (4)

2011-11-08 12:15 am
parts of speech,
(direct)to me(by)=by&by;before long;soon;by this evening=by 5 pm
參考: me
2011-11-07 10:48 pm
Please FAX this information direct lto me by 5pm on Wednesday-15 November.
by 5pm = no later than 5pm
at 5pm = 5 pm
in an hour but not later than 5pm

If you have any query, please contact my assistant , John Chan ,who will be visiting you on Tuesday - 5 November.
query = noun

2011-11-07 10:48 pm
Please FAX this information directly to me by 5pm on Wednesday, 15 November.

If you have any queries, please contact my assistant, John Chan, who will be visiting you on Tuesday, 5 November.
2011-11-07 10:30 pm
If you have any "enquiries" / ”queries"

have any 要跟一個 noun 嘛!

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