請中譯英 (Send 比客既e mail )

2011-11-07 7:15 pm

我已入 1000 到你的戶口, 事件編號是: 53420 , 請查收並跟進, 如有問題 , 請與我聯系.


回答 (7)

2011-11-07 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Date: xxx


ATTN: xxx

Dear XXX

I have already deposited $1000 into your account # xxxxxx. The reference number is 53420. Please kindly check and confirm receipt of the said deposit.

If there is any question, please kindly contact me immediately.

Thanks and best regards,


My suggestion is to attach a copy of the deposit slip. then add a sentence add reference number - see below.

The reference number is 53420. Attached is a copy of the deposit slip for your reference. Please kindly check...........
2011-11-08 5:27 am

I have 1000 into your account, the event number is: 53420, please find and follow-up questions, please contact me.

2011-11-07 21:28:02 補充:
2011-11-08 12:28 am
$1000 has been credited to your account wrt Ref.53420.Pl.check with your bank.For enquiry pl feel .free to contact me.
參考: me
2011-11-07 10:22 pm
Dear Mr. XXX (or Miss YYY),

I have credited HK$1,000.- into your bank account under reference number 53420. Please check.

If there is any problem, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards
2011-11-07 8:36 pm
$1,000 had been credited to your account under Ref. 53420,
please check and follow.

For enquiry, kindly contact to me by phone or by email..
2011-11-07 7:57 pm

I credit $1,000.00 to your Account already. Ref#53420, pls check with your bank. If you have any question, pls contact me. thks.

2011-11-07 7:28 pm
I have 1000 into your account, the event number is: 53420, please find and follow-up questions, please contact me.

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