英文演講稿 急!

2011-11-08 5:25 am





回答 (4)

2011-11-08 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
After our bike ride back, close to 5:00, and we found a restaurant to eat, eat, they return to uncle rest. That night, I think, time flies, going home tomorrow, I really hope time will stay in this moment. The next day at noon, we will say goodbye to the fond memories. The tourist experience, I learned a lot of their attention out of the, let me and cousins ​​feelings better, and really looking forward to next time quickly come back to Taipei.
2011-11-08 5:57 pm
We rode the bicycle back, almost 5 points, we find the restaurant for dinner, after eating, uncle back home resting. That night, I was thinking, time goes really fast, go home tomorrow, wish time could stay in the moment. At noon the next day, we are unwilling to say goodbye. The tourism experience, I learned a lot myself to go out to the attention of the, let and cousins and I feel better, really looking forward to the next time you hurry up and come back to Taipei time.
2011-11-08 12:00 pm
2011-11-08 5:58 am
After our bike ride back, close to 5:00, and we found a restaurant to eat, eat, they return to uncle rest. That night, I think, time flies, going home tomorrow, I really hope time will stay in this moment. The next day at noon, we will say goodbye to the fond memories. The tourist experience, I learned a lot of their attention out of the, let me and cousins ​​feelings better, and really looking forward to next time quickly come back to Taipei.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 22:51:49
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