English 'ed' sound, please help?

2011-11-05 5:11 pm
I'm an English learner, and i am confused with the ed sound in some way.
I know how ed sound is pronounced depends on final sound of the verb in the infinitive form.
But im not sure what is the difference when speaking as a sentence
for example, the pronunciation of I 'Tried to xxxx' and 'I Try to xxxx'
I tried to use the google translate to pronounce these two but still couldn't hear the difference.
Can somebody tell me about this? can natives hear the difference when people say it?

回答 (2)

2011-11-05 5:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, we can definitely hear the difference in most cases if it is not said. I tried saying it out myself and there is a subtle difference. Hard to explain... Well, in "tried to" the "tried" is pronounced shorter and more abrupt. In "try to" the "-y" is dragged out a little longer.

Sorry if this confuses you. >.<
2011-11-06 12:18 am
You give a really good example of how the 'd' of tried is released pretty much at the same time as the 't' of 'to'. You might be able to hear it as a brief stop and that is all. If you had an oscilloscope, you could see the difference in the wave pattern. Just try to say it yourself and don't worry about what other people say.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:38:52
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