英文作文檢查 please cheak carefully

2011-11-06 2:11 am
I don't know that foreign's tutorial school was good or not,but i can sure that HK's was the worst.Everyday,students need to do is-memorize your book,read your book loudly and study your book.Like ever we do things ,we need our own book.Plenty of that is ok,but it was too much.Except,we haven't enough reading material.Listening skills is also the same.It is,Hong Kong edcation.

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2011-11-06 3:15 am
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Please check carefully in compo errors and correction on mon 20:-
I don't know whether foreign tutorial school was good or not,but I can assure you that HK's was the worst!
Everyday students need to do is to memorize the book;read it loudly,and study it Like everything we do,we had books;yet too much is worser than too many in studying.
Besides ,we are very much aware of the lack of reading materials and listening skills supply.
This is the way of Hong Kong education.
2011-11-07 5:23 pm
I don't know whether foreign tutorial school was good or not, but I am sure that HK's was the worst. What students need to do every day is to memorize their books, read their books loudly and study their books. Like ever we do things, we need our own book. Plenty of that is ok, but it was too much. Besides, we haven't enough reading material. Listening skill is also the same. It is the Hong Kong edcation.

(note: what do you try to mean in the second half of the passage, starting "Like ever ..."?)

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