急 中轉英 英文書信

2011-11-05 6:47 pm
中轉英...文法可能不太好, 請修改

根據之前跟你通電話所談論的情況, 貴司表示未能為我的客戶申請有關優惠, 故此本司必須除消之前電郵給你的訂單. 因為該訂單是於貴司表明可申請該優惠情況下才成立. 當貴司表明可申請該優惠後, 本司才向我的客戶表明可申請此優惠, 希望貴司明白, 及請你向貴司反應此次情況, 希望可以申請有關優惠.

抱歉, 因生產商突然向本司指出該訂單不能申請有關優惠, 故本司已向該生產商暫停此次訂單. 本司已向該生產商反應此次問題, 亦表明希望今次的訂單是可申請該優惠, 但是如在沒有優惠的情況下, 你會否除消該訂單, 或是更改此訂單.
今次的情況對你所造成的真不便, 真是十分抱歉.

回答 (3)

2011-11-06 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案

根據之前跟你通電話所談論的情況, 貴司表示未能(成?)為我的客戶申請有關優惠,= 貴司幫你客戶申請????
故此本司必須除消之前電郵給你的訂單. 因為該訂單是於貴司表明可申請(了?)該優惠情況下才成立.
當貴司表明可申請該優惠後, 本司才向我的客戶表明可申請此優惠, 希望貴司明白, 及請你向貴司反應此次情況, 希望可以申請有關優惠.

抱歉, 因生產商突然向本司指出該訂單不能申請有關優惠, 故本司已向該生產商暫停此次訂單. 本司已向該生產商反應此次問題, 亦表明希望今次的訂單是可申請該優惠, 但是如在沒有優惠的情況下, 你會否除消該訂單, 或是更改此訂單.
今次的情況對你所造成的真不便, 真是十分抱歉.

According to the earlier conversation on the phone, 1.you have not been applied relevant 2.special offer for our customers. As the result of that, the order which we have emailed you that have to be cancelled. The order can only be used along with the application. You are qualify for the special offer when only you are our member. Please inform your company this in order to have the special offer.

Please accept my apologies for the cancellation of your order. The reason is the supplier denying the order. Our company will have sent staffs to follow up the case. However, will you cancel the order or adjust it while the special offer is not exist anymore.

We give apologies for the inconvenience.

1.應該係貴公司名, 當you
2.唔知係咩優惠, 當special offer
noun is assumed as plural.
passage is assumed as formal lettle

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得閒上黎睇睇﹐識多D 英文
2011-11-06 1:18 am
To hbn on correction of chinese grammar
Dear Sir, Re:-After Phone-Call
This is to inform you that briefly our email order for you are cancelled due to unsuccessful high premium policy application on behalf of us by you.
Yours faithfully,
2011-11-05 8:20 pm
According to the phone with you before talking about the situation, that your company failed to apply for the benefits my clients, therefore the Secretary to be in addition to consumer e-mail before your order because the order is in your company that may apply to the case before the offer set up when your company that can apply for the incentives, the Division was to my clients that may apply to this offer, I hope your company understand your company and you react to this situation, I hope you can apply for benefits.

Sorry, due to the sudden manufacturers Secretary pointed out that the order can not apply for benefits, so the Division has suspended the order of the manufacturers in this response has been made to the manufacturer of this issue, and hope that this order is may apply for the discount, but, as in the absence of favorable circumstances, you will eliminate the order in addition to or change this order.
This situation really caused you inconvenience, really very sorry.

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