82 Year-Young Mom needs help with insomnia?

2011-11-05 3:45 am
My Mom is in good health but she just cannot sleep through the night. She usually wakes up about 2-3 AM and then cannot get back to sleep. She takes alot of vitamins/minerals/herbs and is trying to take magnesium at present. She has tried melatonin, chamomile tea, yoga, magnesium/calcium, and so many other types of nutrients/herbs but still nothing works for more than one night and she is back on the insomnia train again the next night. She yawns all the time as she is sleep deprived. She can't take pharmaceutical drugs as she has glaucoma and most increase the pressure in her eyes. Can anyone share a consistent way to sleep through the night? She slept 6 hours night before last by using some magnesium spray that she rubs on her legs. We are both at wits end as I do the research and then she tries something new and then the next night it doesn't work at all. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

回答 (3)

2011-11-05 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
My mom is 95 years old and goes to bed at about 6 in the evening and can wake up anytime between 2-4 am. It's just natural. Elders get sleepy sooner than the most of us as part of the natural aging process. They do not require as much sleep as we do because they no longer have to be active on a regular basis in mind or physically as a result of not working or having to engage in physical activity. Don't try to force her to conform to your sleep schedule. It won't work. Rather allow her to go to bed as she normally would, and if she wakes up early, let her just do what she does, have some coffee, watch the T.V. quietly and let her know you are trying to sleep so try to be quiet. Elderly people will nap on their own throughout the day. Just let her be herself, and you be yourself with your own waking and sleep regimes.
2011-11-05 7:34 am
Hey Ameytyst 33 has she ever tried homeopathic medicines... it works wonders! i have gotten rid of few chronic ailments like liver disorder, chronic cold and it also helped me getting rid of sleep paralysis

i agree with Sumanitu Saka, my granddad is 76 years old and he goes to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 4 am, then he makes his tea and read newspaper,, and he also takes nap in the afternoon

EDIT- you know it has no side effects and she is 82 that's why i think homeopathic treatment is good for her, consult a good homeopathic doctor nearby, she will get relief within a week but has to complete the whole course so that she wont get the same symptoms again in the future, its very effective........oh and if she's napping in the afternoon then that is great, old people don't really feel sleepy like we do
2016-12-26 12:44 pm
參考: Insomnia Solution http://renditl.info/StopInsomniaForEver

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