im 13 and i feel weird lumps but in my breasts.... i think they could be cancer?

2011-11-05 1:26 am
they are in both breasts and my friends were thinking the could be cancer but people hit my breasts for a joke at school and so maybe that is why. or it could be because they are growing, but im scared. i dont want my friends to think i am weird because i have no hair from kemo. or that i have cancer :(

回答 (14)

2011-11-05 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
No Dear. At 13 they are completely due to your still growing breasts. Nobody should be "hitting your breasts", smack them back. Please, having no hair is the least of your worries...being alive would make your friends happier. NO you do NOT Have Breast Cancer, so there is No need for CHEMO.
參考: Breast Cancer Survivor
2011-11-05 6:49 am
This is why you are a school child and not a Dr.

A Dr would be positive this is not breast cancer.

What you have is swelling and pain from being assaulted.

Assault is not a joke and should be reported.

Talk to your parent or guardian.
2011-11-05 3:47 am
At 13 years old you do NOT have cancer. Get off Yahoo with these crazy questions. It is normal to have lumps while you're growing. Hitting them will not cause cancer. Cancer is caused by cells that mutate, not external forces.
參考: Had cancer, lost my hair to chemo, had radiation, had 3 surgeries. Fine now.
2011-11-05 1:29 am
Breast tissue is a little bit lumpy anyway but either talk to your mum if you feel like you can or go and see your GP or nurse practitioner. You can go on your own and they wont tell you parents unless there is something wrong.
2014-08-31 12:55 am
Just puberty your just maturing becoming a healthy women
2011-11-05 1:44 am
im glad im not the only one with this problem i got hit in my right breast 3 times really hard and now there are lumps in it so maybe it is because you have gotten hit in it im scared i have breast cancer to. but the lumps on mine hurt
2011-11-05 1:31 am
It could be the milk glands, but you could do a self breast exam to find out: If it hurts our feels hard that's more of a sign that somethings wrong.

As for those kids hitting on your breast as a joke tell them to stop because that's going to hurt your breast and it's rude to do that to you. If they don't tell a teacher because that's sexual assault and they can get into big trouble for it. Tell your parents about it too.
2011-11-05 1:29 am
People thinking you're weird is not why you don't want cancer.
It's probably puberty but if you get really conerned see a doctor to get diagnosis and treatment early.
2011-11-05 1:28 am
i really dont think you have cancer i think it perfectly normal but im only a 14 year old girl and not a doctor
2011-11-05 1:28 am
yopu might have cancer go to the doctor ASAP

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