Why are the people I disagree with politically so stupid and evil?

2011-11-04 2:10 pm
People who don't hold the same political views as I do are so stupid and evil, why is that? Allow me to illustrate:

> They only care about the interests of their own demographic. They expect the rest of us to pay for their selfish mistakes; and so long as they get theirs, the rest of the country can suck it.

> They believe everything their media outlet of choice tells them.

> They scramble to exploit any minor scandal involving politicians on my side of the aisle, no matter how inconsequential or ill-supported; while at the same time making excuses for far more serious scandals involving politicians on their side of the aisle.

> They do everything in their power to prevent black people from rising to a level of true equality in this country.

> They gather in the park carrying racist/anti-Semitic signs and few of them seem to agree on exactly what it is they're rallying against; never mind what they might be rallying *for*.

> They claim their movement has no formal organization or leadership, but we can all see the corporate fat-cats pulling the strings from behind the scenes.

> They think it's fine to play the race card in defense of one of their own politicians, but as soon as one of the other side's politicians does it, they're deeply offended.

See what I mean? They call us stupid and evil, but it's obviously *they* who are stupid and evil. I mean, just look at them and what they do! Why oh why are they like this?!?

Nice to see that yes, many of you are in fact getting the point. Very refreshing around these parts, I must say. ;-)

回答 (4)

2011-11-04 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a Democrat to me.
2011-11-04 9:52 pm
Just remember that they (or we) are entitled to their opinions just the same as you. It doesn't make them stupid and evil.
2011-11-04 9:30 pm
-because their brains are wired differently than yours......they think the same about you, but you already know that, right?
2011-11-04 9:24 pm
Kind of describes both Republicans and Democrats. Was that your point?

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