Ive done something I regret and I feel horrible?

2011-11-04 11:13 am
Ive done something I truly regret and everytime I think of it I breathe really fast and my heart seems to speed up. I dont want to say what I did but it was with a guy and now i feel like ill never be the same. How can I get over this ? Please help,

回答 (12)

2011-11-04 11:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is only as big of a deal as you choose to make of it. You're probably basing your shame and guilt on some antiquated moralistic viewpoint that was drummed into you as a child ... and as long as you think like that child, you'll be as you are.
2011-11-04 6:16 pm
Time. And realizing that there is no way that anything u did could have gone any differently. What happened happened and unless u have a time machine I suggest u let it go. No point in regretting something u can't change. Just learn from it.
2011-11-04 6:20 pm
I've felt the same way about many things I've done.

Sad thing is there's no easy way to get over it, you can try and avoid thinking about it (or drink alot like I do) but the thought will re-surface again and again in your mind so that's a very temporary measure.

Best way is to talk about it with someone, a friend you trust, a stranger on the internet, anyone. If it's too embarasing to even do that then your gonna have to think about it, maybe do a quick google search and see if anyone has gone through the same thing. That way you can get feedback without even having to talk to anyone.

Sadly even all of this probably won't make you feel 100% again, only time can do that.

Hope this helps.
2011-11-04 6:47 pm
You can go to him and apologize, and explain every thing. Let him know how sorry you are and that you regret what you have done. You can try making it up to him. There are some things in life that you have to get over. There are some things you should not keep to yourself and so you should let some one know. Tell someone who you are close to.
You would know if is were something that you cannot get over. If you apologized and made an effort to make it up to him, but he still does forgive you, then you can forgive yourself. It is his problem if he can’t be more forgiving. You just cannot hold it there and blame yourself for the rest of you life.
I hope I helped you. Good luck!
2011-11-04 6:28 pm
we all do stuff we regret, if you did something that will hurt someone, either apologise, fess up or if that will hurt them more than living in ignorance, then just live with it.
if it's something you regret because you wish it hadn't happened, felt coerced or intimidated into it or just embarressed, only way to get past that is just see it as a lesson, and one you don't need to repeat and tell yourself at least you learnt it now and actually, it could'e been worse!
2011-11-04 6:27 pm
You are having panic attacks. Whatever you did, you are right - you will never be the same. Accept what you did and reflect on its lessons. Then forgive yourself, embrace yourself and move forward.
2011-11-04 6:23 pm
Guilt is like a bag of bricks. All you need to do is put it down.
2011-11-04 6:17 pm
depends on what you did. if its something like sex, get over it life will be the same time will heal your wounds.
if you killed, steal or committed a crime then you should never feel the same always guilt. always have the feel of guilt in you.
laters good luck and god bless
2011-11-04 6:16 pm
Okay thanks for the ton of information to work from.

Time heals all wounds. And uh say sorry? I don't know I don't think anyone will know unless you tell what happened or at least the main point of it.
2011-11-04 6:14 pm
it would help to know what your talking about

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