thinks there are some magical

2011-11-04 8:09 am
i think there are some magical about him.(love)點解?

回答 (3)

2011-11-04 10:48 am
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I think there are some things magical about him.
或 I think there's something magical about him


"I think the thing that's magical about him is how cares for homeless animals". 我覺得他對流浪小動物們的關愛是他讓人感到迷人的地方。

2011-11-04 23:09:35 補充:

I think the thing that's magical about him is how he cares for homeless animals.
2011-11-05 2:09 am
Two informal explanations:-
I think there are something magical about him=an adj.=having or using special powers to make impossible things happen or seem to happen by a magic spell/charm/potion/trick.
An informal speaking is having a special quality that makes something seem He has a magic touch with the loving girls and they do everything he asks.
Another informal speaking is, He is very good and enjoyable at love affairs as if by magic
參考: me
2011-11-04 8:05 pm
I think nobodyfantasy's answer is good.

a typo/ missing word in ( ) : how ( he ) cares for homeless animals

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