〝加拿大〞法語區 英語區法令

2011-11-05 7:45 am




回答 (2)

2011-11-05 4:39 pm
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★加拿大的法語區他們算是自治區嗎? 答: 加拿大的法語區, 應該是魁北克省, 他們不是自治區。 ★如果是,那他們有沒有自己制定法規,然後跟英語區的法規,哪裡不同,請舉幾個例子。 答: 如上述所言, 加國法律條文, 在全國使用。誠然, 加拿大是雙語國家, 因此,法律條文均是英、法語。
參考: 變種小魚
2011-11-05 9:23 am
1. Not exactly. Quebec is a complicated issue.

a. Quebec is a province, like other parts of Canada (like British Columbia, Alberta).

b. The province always has right to regulate on their own in some aspect (like driving law).

c. Due to historical issue, Quebec has a higher autonomy compared to other province, which they are officially recognized by Canada.

d. Quebec has tried for independence, but unsuccessful.

e. Quebec is still considered as a part of Canada's sovereignty as of this moment.

So in conclusion, you can say that Quebec is a country within another country, unofficially.

2. Yes and they have major differences.

Quebec follows European style (except England) and use civil law system, which is similar to Taiwan.

However, the rest of Canada (including federal law that govern Quebec) use common law system.

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