Academic English and Daily English, Please help?

2011-11-04 7:51 am
I am an international student who have been studying English for over 5 years. and been to Aus for almost a year. I'm now doing Bachelor of Laws at The University of New South Wales.
I'm doing okay so far with the academic terms in every subject, but i found myself knowing nothing about Daily English, most of the time I write, listen and read English in an academic way. I thought i could speak well but in fact i don't. Natives do not frequently use academic words in their conversions. They tend to use phrasal verbs instead, e.g. figure out, come along etc. It's weird to speak academically, that's why i lost my confidence in daily speaking. I wonder if someone might help me to fix this problem, please.

回答 (2)

2011-11-04 8:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Immerse yourself in "daily English": talk (or chat online) a lot with people and ask for their help to improve your English. Read novels, (not newspapers), with a lot of dialogue in them, watch tv (talk shows, films).
And last but certainly not least, don't let your feeling you are not good enough get to you: imagine these aussies trying to speak your language (whatever it is).. they would most probably not even be able to say the simplest things correctly, let alone speak academically!
2011-11-04 10:57 pm
From your information, you're very good at English, the only thing you lose is that you can't speak Daily English frequently. If you get this problem, I propose you the following method:
1/ Learn daily words in English.
2/ Practice these words for speaking with other people.
How to practice these words? I propose you to play a game name "Guess words" to use these words in daily situation. You can't speak daily English because you're so serious in thinking, playing a game will be the best to make yourself not so serious.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:37:12
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