the web is uselss can they test you for dysmenorrhea?

2011-11-03 7:16 pm
can you get tested for dysmenorrhea or endoetrisis (however you spell it) when your pregnant?.

回答 (3)

2011-11-03 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You wouldn't be menstruating while pregnant, and endometriosis sometimes clears up during pregnancy, so...I think you're going to have to wait for a diagnosis (from a doctor, not the web) until after the kid is born.
2011-11-04 2:37 am
Dysmenorrhea - everyone gets pain during menstruation and you wont have that of you are pregnant
Endometriosis common in women with infertility so it is unlikely you will have this if you are pregnant.
參考: Mum & Grandma
2011-11-04 2:18 am
You're wanting an ONLINE diagnosis?

Wow. You deserve an award today....

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