
2011-11-04 3:51 am
1) 我想問我大約會幾時可以批我地可以過美國??
2) 其實我唔想過.因為都22歲,同埋依家有埋bb ,但未結婚,如果我過去我可以幾時反香港但唔會無左移民ge資格?
3) 如果我放棄移民,我媽會唔會都無左個資格??
4) 如果我冇移民而我媽去左,我媽可以申請bb過去嗎?

回答 (2)

2011-11-04 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 我想問我大約會幾時可以批我地可以過美國??
- No idea about this part. Once you have the quote's priority date, the real process takes about half year or so. THe priority date can be check on: http://travel.state.gov/visa/bulletin/bulletin_1360.html
- It looks like they process up to Jun 2000 now.

2) 其實我唔想過.因為都22歲,同埋依家有埋bb ,但未結婚,如果我過去我可以幾時反香港但唔會無左移民ge資格?
3) 如果我放棄移民,我媽會唔會都無左個資格??
- Since you are over 21, you should be AGED out already. Your mother's application cannot get you into US already. Your mother can go, but you cannot. [There is a special CSPA rule that may protect child from being aged out if you already have the proiority date, but since you are not in that status yet. You should be agred out already.]
- You cannot go even if you want to. You will not affect your mother.
- 可以幾時反香港但唔會無左移民ge資格? You mother can take short trips back to HK at any time as long as she lives in US for at least 6 months every year. She can apply for US citizenship after 5 years. It requires her to pass a English and US history test. After she turns to US citizen, she will not lose her 移民資格.

4) 如果我冇移民而我媽去左,我媽可以申請bb過去嗎?
- No... Your mother can apply you, but not your baby.

- When your mother applies you, your baby will be included in your application.

- To apply you as an unmarried child over 21 (F2B), she can apply you after she arrived US. The current priority date is 2003, so expect the application to take at least 8 years. (To fit in this category, you cannot get married in the next 10 years or so.)

- If you plan to marry, your mother can apply you from F3 category for your family, your mother needs to be an US citizen. The F3 process is upto 2001 now, so expect the application takes about 10 years. Plus the time your mother to go to US then turn to US citizen. It is 17+ years from now.

- If your mother applied you and your children to US, you need to come to US with your children. But if you give up your green card after you got your green card. It will not affect your child's green card status.
2011-11-04 9:15 am
1. Based on current processing, it should be within 2 years.

2. First, you may be not be eligible to go (as you may subject to age-out provision).

Your baby is definitely not eligible to go at all.

So at this moment, I will know worry about that until you can actually apply.

By in theory, if you get it, you can return as soon as the same day you report to the U.S. And you can't leave the U.S. for more than 6 months in order not to risk your residency.

3. No.

4. No. The baby must be sponsored by you only.

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