耿耿於懷的英文是什麼? [10點]

2011-11-03 8:05 am

回答 (2)

2011-11-03 7:57 pm
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耿耿於懷 = 有心事牽絆,不能開懷的樣子 《重編國語辭典修訂本》

dwell on/upon something : (Oxford dictionary)
to think or talk a lot about something, especially something it would be better to forget
e.g. So you made a mistake, but there's no need to dwell on it.

e.g. You should not dwell too much on your past failures. 你不應該老是想著過去的失敗。(Yahoo)

take something to heart : (Longman dictionary)
to consider what someone says to you very seriously, often because it upsets you: e.g. Anne took his criticisms very much to heart.e.g. We took Stephen's warnings to heart.

2011-11-03 12:03:13 補充:
With an unsettled and disturbed mind

2011-11-03 22:54:41 補充:
to hold a grudge against someone = 對某人懷恨在心
2011-11-04 5:53 am
to hold a grudge against someone/ something.

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