
2011-11-04 3:53 am
will=be expected to可以互用嗎?
can=be able to=be capable of=can afford to意思一樣嗎?

want有同義字嗎 (動詞)

回答 (1)

2011-11-04 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
>>> will=be expected to可以互用嗎?

"will"和"be expected to"是完全不同意思的,一個是“將會...”,一個是“被期望...".
He is expected to do the work but he will not do it.
如果硬要說可以互用,我覺得用"should"取代"be expected to"應該會更加貼近。
He is expected to do the work, so he should do it.

>>> can=be able to=be capable of=can afford to意思一樣嗎?

其中 can = be able to = be capable of 是正確的:
I will not be able to finish my homework by tomorrow
= I can't finish my homework by tomorrow
= I am not capable of finishing my homework by tomorrow

can't afford = not be able to pay for / allow / spare / provide / supply ...

>>> will,can有沒有或其他同義字
will: tend to; be bound to; must; is going to ...
can: be able to; be permitted to (e.g. you can use my pen)

>>> use有同義字嗎(動詞)want有同義字嗎 (動詞)
use: utilise; consume; apply; take advantage of;
want: desire, wish for; like; should (e.g. you want to be more careful)

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