
2011-11-03 11:32 am


回答 (6)

2011-11-03 12:31 pm
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Leave my Mary alone, don't ever get in contact with her ever again, otherwise I'll hurt the woman that you love the most.
2011-11-04 4:54 pm
There is something about Mary...I watched it en route to TPE.

Stay away from MY MARY!

Don't ever contact her in any way!

Or, I am gonna really hurt the woman of your life...

It only happens in a movie, right?!
2011-11-04 1:04 am
Farther away from my Mary ... never again have any contact with her, otherwise I will hurt the woman you love ....
2011-11-03 5:39 pm
It is not only rhetoric - it is an ultimatum!
Dude! I challenge you for a duel (or duet, if you like) - lets see who Mary loves more!
2011-11-03 3:37 pm
My Mary a little ...永遠都不要再和她有任何聯絡了,否則我會傷害你最愛的那個女人...。
Never have any contact with her again, or I'll hurt you most love that woman. ...
2011-11-03 12:55 pm
I hope it is only a sentence, not an intention !

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