
2011-11-03 9:07 am



謝謝二位前輩, 謝謝~

回答 (4)

2011-11-03 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
You don't have to make the decision now, as you have the whole lifetime to do it.

You don't have to make your decision now, as I've left you a whole lifetime for you to think about it.

You don't have to decide right now, as I'll spare my whole lifetime for you to make the decision.

There are a lot of ways to express the meaning of the sentence in English (or even in Chinese), and above are just some of the examples.
2011-11-07 6:28 am
你的態度很讓人起疑。這本來就只是關於一句話的英文翻譯,可用的詞彙來來去去都是那幾個,我也沒看出2號的句型有多少變化,還不是也只用到"hurry","rush"等詞。再說,1號的答案哪裡有錯誤?如果有,您為何不指出來並加以修改?在我看來,1號的句子都是perfectly make sense,不是你隨便說一句“錯誤的答案”就可以改變的事實。

2011-11-06 22:38:05 補充:

Not to rush to decide, I give you a lifetime of mine to decide.

首先 decide 這次在同一句子中出現了兩次;其次 I give you 改成 I'll give you 會讓句子變得更生動。
2011-11-06 9:11 pm
I am sad to know why most people voted no 1 answers, can't you tell , it kept repeating the same sentences over and over again, 為什麼大多數人投給錯誤的答案 就是不懂英文的人也知道誰寫的才正確 可嘆吶!

2011-11-08 09:32:47 補充:
我無心指責或批評任何人! 不希望選出答案是為了支持粉絲或是點數? 雅虎知識網站提供了一個給大家互相研究與學習的機會, 我們是否有用心去了解? 來幫助發問著選出最佳答案呢?
2011-11-03 10:45 am
You don't need to rush to decide, because you have a lifetime to do so.

You don't need to decide in a hurry, I will spend my whole life to wait for it.

Not to rush to decide, I give you a lifetime of mine to decide.

These are all possible ways to translate, you can choose the part you like from one sentence and complete it with the other part from another sentence.
"Nobodyfantasy" also provides his opinion. You have fun to find the one you like, ;-)
參考: self

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