關於will would等等幾個文法題目會的幫看感謝

2011-11-03 9:02 am
a.This will be the pen you are looking for.

b.This would be the pen you are looking for.

c.This should be the pen you are looking for.

d.This may be the pen you are looking for.

因為似乎這幾個助動詞都可以當作猜測 可能性的意思
但不確定到底對否 對的話可能性大到小可幫列下嗎~.~?

回答 (3)

2011-11-03 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

This will be the pen you are looking for.
在句中用到了"will"一詞,強調“這就是你要找的筆”的程度是非常強烈,幾乎否定了任何其他物件的可能性。This will be the pen you are looking for, it's very unlikely that i'll be anything else.

This would be the pen you are looking for.

This should be the pen you are looking for.
這句的意思跟上兩句稍微有點不同。第一句強調“一定是”,第二句強調“會是”,是客觀因素;而這句則是強調“應該是”,是主觀因素。This should be the pen you are looking for, in my opinion.

This may be the pen you are looking for.
很明顯,這句在四句話中立場是最薄弱的,它僅僅是指出了“這支筆”是一個可能性,與第一句中表示的“唯一性”有很大差別。This may be the pen you are looking for, but I'm not sure if it is.
2011-11-03 6:48 pm
This will be the pen you are looking for.語意上有矛盾,是或不是用現在式即可
is(not) the pen you are looking for ?--------
2011-11-03 2:54 pm

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