
2011-11-03 12:03 am
請盡量不要使用翻譯網翻譯以下一小段!In contrast to traditionals, independentsstress their individuality. the relationship is important but never moreimportant than each person's individual identity-identities they frequently discuss.A strong sense of self is essential to independents. The relationship exists toprovide satisfaction for each individual. Although independents spend a greatdeal of time together, they do not ritualize it, for example, with schedules. Eachindividual spends time with outside friends. Independents see themselves as relativelyandrogynous, as individuals who combine the traditionally feminine and thetraditionally masculine roles and qualities. The communication betweenindependents is responsive. Although they do not finish each other's sentences,they do interrupt with questions. They engage in conflict openly and withoutfear. Their disclosures are quite extensive and include high-risk and negativedisclosure that are typically absent among traditionals. This couple sees theirrelationship as relatively well-adjusted.

回答 (3)

2011-11-03 12:32 am
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In contrast to traditionals, independents stress their individuality. the relationship is important but never more important than each person's individual identity-identities they frequently discuss.A strong sense of self is essential to independents. The relationship exists to provide satisfaction for each individual. Although independents spend a great deal of time together, they do not ritualize it, for example, with schedules. Each individual spends time with outside friends. Independents see themselves as relatively and rogynous, as individuals who combine the traditionally feminine and the traditionally masculine roles and qualities. The communication between independents is responsive. Although they do not finish each other's sentences,they do interrupt with questions. They engage in conflict openly and without fear. Their disclosures are quite extensive and include high-risk and negative disclosure that are typically absent among traditionals. This couple sees their relationship as relatively well-adjusted.
2011-11-12 12:24 am

在對比 traditionals,independentsstress,他們的個性。關係很重要,但從來不比每個人的個人 identity-identities 本身他們經常討論。強烈的自我獨立至關重要。為每個人提供滿意存在關係。獨立人士一起度過的時間的 greatdeal,雖然他們做不養成,例如,與時間表。對於花的時間與外界的朋友。

獨立人士把自己當成 relativelyandrogynous,結合傳統的女性職業的個人以及 thetraditionally 男性角色和素質。通信 betweenindependents 可以作出回應。雖然完不到對方的句子,它們不要中斷的問題。他們公開從事衝突和 withoutfear。資訊披露是相當廣泛,其中包括高風險,而且通常缺席 negativedisclosure traditionals 之間。這對夫婦看到 theirrelationship 作為相對較強。
2011-11-05 5:22 am



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