
2011-11-02 8:38 pm
咁我英文應該係咪用report on office sundries of yearly 呢...? 有無一個更加好既可以俾我參考下

因為我呢份report 係有唔同既suppliers 咁我用excel 可以係索引標籤上點打個heading 就可以一眼俾人地睇到係呢a公司 同b公司 呢

回答 (1)

2011-11-02 9:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi maka,

heading in correct grammar:

Yearly Report on Office Sundries

2011-11-03 19:51:27 補充:
I don't think you need to say more than that in the heading, except maybe the year.

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