
2011-11-02 3:03 pm



回答 (7)

2011-11-02 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案


欲精準表達出語意, 本句在結構上, 述語(動作)是「有耐心」, 而「去溝通」可用不定詞片語作補語來處理.

彼此: both; with each other
有耐心: exercise patience; consume patience
去溝通: to consult; to communicate; to exchange ideas/views


Hope we can both exercise utmost patience to communicate.

Hope we can consume enough patience to exchange views with each other.

參考: *Infinito - 無極*
2011-11-06 9:35 pm
要批評別人之前先問自己是否有能耐? I agreed with "Hopefully" to start a sentence, since the subject without "I", I lived abroad over 30 years, this is the right way to speak or to write a proper English! I dare to challenge!
2011-11-02 5:23 pm
I hope we will have more patience to communicate with each other.

絕對不能用I wish

2011-11-02 3:52 pm
"I wish both of us could talk and listen to each other patiently."

參考: Fantastic
2011-11-02 3:26 pm
I hope we can have the patience to communicate with each other.
2011-11-02 3:21 pm
DaSaGwa, I think it's better to use "Hope" or "I hope" instead of "Hopefully," to start the sentence as it looks more like a sentence of a conversation than a sentence from an article.
2011-11-02 3:10 pm
Hopefully, we can communicate patiently with each other.
Hopefully, we can communicate with each other with patience.

2011-11-02 07:26:50 補充:
I understand, but in the original statement, there is NO indication of "I" or "we". Therefore, I just use "hopefully" to generalize it.

2011-11-02 07:27:46 補充:
I agree, it is better to use "I hope" or "we hope". After all, "hopefully" and "I hope" have tiny difference in meaning.

2011-11-02 07:29:39 補充:
I did want to mention about no indication of "I" or "we" in my original answer, but it slipped my mind. Now you remind me ! Thanks !
參考: self

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