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Yes, Concordia and McGill are the only English-language universities in the city of Montreal, with Bishop's university (in Sherbrooke) the third and final English-language university in the province of Quebec.
I work at Concordia and graduated from there recently as well, so I have to say that it's a great school. The Psychology program is actually one of our most popular programs at the university, both for the Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Science.
Psychology is not a boring program in the slightest. Concordia's BSc is very research-oriented, which is amazing to have at the undergraduate level. There are all sorts of great research projects coming out of Concordia, both on the level of students and professors. If you take a look through the Now Concordia news website (you can find it here
http://www.concordia.ca/now/), you can find all sorts of great articles on what's going on.
University life is really what you make of it, so as long as you're committed to having fun you know you will. Psych students have all sorts of great activities they get involved with on- and off-campus too, so make sure to take a look at the student associations.
If you complete your full IB diploma you might be considered for additional standing. We don't put more weight on your IB grades, so an IB student with a 90% average will not be given preference over a non-IB student of the same average, but we offer you the chance to get university credits taken off. (I think this might work the same for McGill, but don't quote me on that) This means you'll spend less time in school and will be out earlier!
If you have any questions about Concordia and/or programs/admissions you can drop me a line at facebook.com/CUFutureStudents where I'm a Page Admin.
Hope that helps! :)