Dear Sirs,
I am having an enquiry about admission to the HK Bar and my circumstances are as follow:
(1) I hold a LL.B and LLM and I completed the Bar Professional Training Course in UK;
(2) I have called to the Bar as a Barrister-at-law in UK recently;
(3) I have not completed a pupillage yet so I do not hold a practising certificate.
As the opportunities for pupillage is very limited and competitive, I find that the chances of securing a pupillage is very low in the UK. I am now working as a paralegal/in house counsel in a law firm and I am considering a career in hk.
My understanding is that, in order to qualify as a barrister in hk, the requirments are: (1) having obtained a PCLL in hk or (2) overseas lawyer (who has practised for at least 3 years in his jurisdiction) having passed the Barristers Conversion Exam.
As I do not hold currently a practice certificate and that I have not been practising for 3 years, am I right to say that I have to retake the PCLL in hk? (which I dont want to!) Is there any ways that I could simply convert my Bar Professional Training Course into a hk qualification?
If not, what roles (other than barristers) would be available for me in hk? Given the qualifications that I am holding, what kinds of position should I look for? Is there any potential that I could secure a position as a paralegal in an international firm? or maybe a legal assistant in the banking/financial sector?
Thank you for your time! (p.s. I have little or no knowledge about the legal profession in hk)