據我們了解....... 的英文是否這樣寫? 急急急!

2011-11-01 6:44 am
據我們了解....... 的英文是否這樣寫? 急急急!
Up to our understanding, ..........

回答 (6)

2011-11-01 7:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is wrong to say 'up to our understanding' to mean '據我們了解...';

You can say:

To our understanding of (e.g. the situation), ...


It is/was our understanding that Subject + Verb ...

Do you have the whole sentence? I'll see if I can help you!

2011-10-31 23:45:11 補充:
Correct: As far as we know (據我們了解), John should bear the travelling expenses.
2011-11-05 7:32 am
1) According to our understanding that............
2) As far as we know,John should be responsible for the travelling expenses;
3) In our opinion,John should bear in mind that he ought to pay the travelling expenses.
2011-11-02 2:23 am
To bapolaioi,
Correct:-As far as we know,John should bear the travelling expenses.
The word understand=
We understand(verb)
It is understandable(adj)
To know or realize what John do=Do you understand the instruction
Do you understand that John is responsible for the whole travelling cost?
It is understood that John is responsible for the whole travelling cost.
參考: me
2011-11-02 1:46 am
In so far as we understand........./ As far as we understand.........
2011-11-01 6:21 pm

To our understanding,To our knowledge,As far as we know,To the best of our knowledge,According to what we know,Based on our understanding,
2011-11-01 1:24 pm
To our understanding...
As we understand...
As we know...
To our knowledge...

As far as we know...盡我們了解所及...

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