據我們了解....... 的英文是否這樣寫? 急急急!

2011-11-01 6:41 am
據我們了解....... 的英文是否這樣寫? 急急急!
Up to our understanding, ..........

回答 (3)

2011-11-06 8:42 am
to bapalaioi
why when u wanted answers it was '據我們了解....... 的英文是否這樣寫? 急急急!'
if it was so 急急急 (and u posted the question in two places), then why didn't you bother to check replies? wasting people's time and effort on trying to help you!!!
2011-11-03 8:32 am
It should be

According to what I know , ..............
參考: me >,
2011-11-01 6:44 am
My suggestion:
As far as we know...

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