
2011-11-01 4:16 am
Education should recognise the correlation and interaction between various disciplines and typically adopt a multi-disciplinary curriculum.

Schools should not be segregated on racial,gender or intellectual grounds

回答 (5)

2011-11-01 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
辦教育的應認同各種知識領域之間的關聯性及互動性, 從而制訂出發展多元才能的課外活動.

學校內不應以 種族, 性別 或 智力 來把學生歸類.

(意釋, 但這英文句子寫得有點含糊)

2011-10-31 21:02:45 補充:
課程 / 課外活動
2011-11-02 4:36 am
Education should recognise the correlation and interaction between various disciplines and typically adopt a multi-disciplinary curriculum.

Schools should not be segregated on racial,gender or intellectual grounds




2011-11-02 3:42 am
學校不應該基於種族、 性別或智慧財產權理由受到隔離
參考: me
2011-11-01 5:37 pm

2011-11-01 4:50 am
In answering the 4 points:-
(1)disciplines:-(formal)an area of knowledge in (3) subjects eg geog.hist.chi.that students study or are taught in HKU.
(2)correlation:-a connection between two things in which one thing change as the other does.(between A and B---- hist and chi)
(3) curriculum:-the subject included in a course of study taught in U.
(4) racial-you were disciplined for using racist languages,on genders,on interlectual hi and lo.
參考: me

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