
2011-10-31 9:26 pm
Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative or superlative adjectives.
1. eg Mr Lam is very helpful. He is the most helpful teacher I’ve ever had.2. My grandmother is a gentlewoman. She is ___gentle_________ than any person I know.3. This game is boring . it is moreboring than any game I’ve ever played.4. my little brother is clever. Heis the cleverest person in my family.5. I’m very tired. I’m moretidier than i was yesterday.6. He is heartless person. He’sthe most heartless person in my family.7. Jane is a very able student. She’sthe ablest student in the class.8. this swimming pool is shallow. It’sshallower than the pool at school.

回答 (1)

2011-10-31 9:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi coco, I have checked again and no.1-7 in your 2011-10-31 13:33:25 補充 are all
correct, except in No. 1, 'i' => 'I', as you know.

2011-10-31 13:28:48 補充 There is one mistake in each sentence . Underline the words and write the correct ones in the spaces.
1. there is fewer=> less space in John’s locker than in mine. less
2. Mr Lee is the richest man and owns more=> the most properties in Hong Kong. the more 2011-10-31 13:30:25 補充 接上
3. There are the fewest => fewer cows in the New Territories due to rapid development. (fewer)(comparison between the past and
the present)
4. this branch sold less=> the least hamburgers among all branches last month. (fewer)
5. there arethe most=> more novels in this bookshop than reference books. ( most) 2011-10-31 13:31:19 補充 接上
6. you can see the least=> fewer stars in the city than in the countryside. ( fewer)

I have underlined the hints. Good luck with the revision!
See if these quizzes with answers are useful:

2011-10-31 14:13:49 補充:
Oh! There are more questions!
1. David .. to 6: (correct)
1.The colour ... (cor.)
2. My jacket.... (cor.)
3. The cake that Sandy likes is different from that of Mandy.
4. The tree. (cor)
5. There is no .... (cor)
6. The temperature in ... (cor)

2011-10-31 14:18:21 補充:
I hope I haven't missed anything! Good luck with the revision! I was working hard too when I was a student!

2011-11-06 15:09:12 補充:
to coco,
Have I not answered all the questions? What help did you want? I don't understand!!

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