Yahoo 字典

2011-10-31 7:56 pm
查 people

2.人民[the S][K]
3.國民; 民族; 種族[C][G]
4.家族; 家人; 親屬(尤指父母)[S][K]
那些 S K C G 是甚麼意思???

回答 (3)

2011-10-31 8:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
S K C G 是甚麼意思:[S]指該詞只用單數形,通常與不定冠詞連用。
例: Pride comes before {a fall}. [K]指只與複數動詞或複數代名詞連用的名詞(其形態可以是複數亦可單數)。

例: · What {are} his wages? {These} jeans {are} pretty. · All his cattle {were} grazing in the field. [C]可數名詞。
可以用a/an/one修飾, 亦可加-(e)s構成複數, 用few/many等修飾。

例: · {a/one} cat · {a} desire · {an} apple · few factori{es} · many idea{s} [G]指後接單、複數動詞均可的名詞, 如集合名詞。

例: · The Government {has} already made it clear. · The Government {are} facing three crises.
註: 集合名詞單數形後接動詞, 美式英語多用單數, 英式英語則單、複數皆可。
2011-11-01 2:45 am
Anonymous person with a name not known-----------------
Abbreviation used in Grammar---NB the words a and an (the indefinite article) or the (the definite article).
(1) people(s) (k) persons,singular word,indefinite article.
(2) people(the s) (k) the life of common people,plural verb or pronoun.
(3) people (c) (g) belong to a country,race. a/an/one/ (the indefinite article) also few ,many.
(4)home parents (s) (k) who works for you. collective noun--singular or plural depends on meaning.
參考: me
2011-10-31 8:53 pm
[S] - 指該詞只用單數形,通常與不定冠詞連用。
例: Pride comes before {a fall}.

[K] - 指只與複數動詞或複數代名詞連用的名詞(其形態可以是複數亦可單數)。
例: • What {are} his wages?
• {These} jeans {are} pretty.
• All his cattle {were} grazing in the field.

[C] - 可數名詞。
可以用a/an/one 修飾, 亦可加-(e)s 構成複數, 用few/many 等修飾。
{a/one} cat
{a} desire
{an} apple
three book{s}
few factori{es}
many idea{s}

[G] - 指後接單、複數動詞均可的名詞,如集合名詞。
• The Government {has} already made it clear.
• The Government {are} facing three crises.
註: 集合名詞單數形後接動詞,美式英語多用單數, 英式英語則單、複數皆可。
參考: Yahoo 服務中心 ~ ”文法縮寫說明”

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