
2011-10-31 7:21 pm
Kevin Eder was among the first to galvanize those who wanted to differentiate themselves from the thousands of people rallying across the nation to raise awareness of the growing economic gap between the rich and everyone else.
請問who 是否指Kevin Eder ?
如果想指those 應該怎寫才對?

回答 (2)

2011-10-31 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 'who' doesn't refer to Kevin Eder. It refers to 'those who wanted
to differentiate themselves from the thousands of people rallying
across the nation ....... 'who' refers to the pronoun/ noun nearest
to it.

2. You can use 'the people'/ ''the ones' to replace 'those'.
2011-10-31 7:35 pm
who 係指 個d人
who wanted = 個d 想要/得到


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