
2011-10-31 4:57 am

回答 (6)

2011-11-01 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
In today's world, animals have no rights to decide for themselves. Most of them will die only several months or years after birth. One of the main reasons is that they are slaughtered by humans. Humans always talk about so-called human rights. Do animals however have their animal rights? No. they don't.
2011-11-04 4:51 pm
Nowadays there is no law which governes self-determination for the animals,because majority of them were born and born to be dead after having lived a few months or even few years; that was due to being slaughtered by human beings. Whatever the human beings say about human-rights is that ever apply to the animals ? Our answer is never will.
2011-11-01 2:38 am
Nowadays in the society, the animal does not have the right to independence, many animals since the birth, how many month even how many years life only then, have can die, but reason is killed by the humanity, humanity after ordinary remarks what human rights, but does the animal have moves the power? Does not have.
2011-10-31 10:04 pm
In present society, animals don't have their autonomous rights. Many animals have a few months' to few years' life after birth. The reason is that they are killed by humans. We always talk about human rights, but don't animals have their rights? Absolutely no.

(Maybe the grammar is not totally correct, I think.)
2011-10-31 6:59 am
Today's society, animals have no autonomy, many animals since birth, lives only a few months or even years, we must die, and onereason is killed by humans, humans often talk about human rights,but the animal did not move right? No.
2011-10-31 5:07 am

Nowadays in the society,

the animal does not have the right to independence,

many animals since the birth,

how many month even how many years life only then,

have can die,

but reason is killed by the humanity,

humanity after ordinary remarks what human rights,

but does the animal have moves the power?

Does not have.


2011-10-30 21:09:06 補充:
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