English discussion 問題 急

2011-10-31 3:08 am
若在開始時 你打算由你做主導開始
但你既partner 同一時間 同你一齊講 e.g "Shall i start first? "
甘應該怎應付 麻煩舉出句子作解決方法 謝謝各位幫助!

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回答 (3)

2011-10-31 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
About an English discussion:
Shall I start first? Shall I start first? (both you and your partner spoken at the sametime)
The Chairman: Shall we start the English discussion right now; are both of you ready ?
Oh ! I'm not ready yet. You had better start first..
Oh ! you better start first.
Oh ! it's lady first.
Oh ! I'll let you start first.
Pardon me ! If you don't mind I'll start first.
2011-10-31 6:36 am
If you tend to let him/her first, you may say 'Maybe you start our discussion/ Maybe you take the lead.'.
If you tend to start by yourself, you may wait for one to two seconds and then say 'Maybe I could start our discussion./ Maybe I shall start first.'.
2011-10-31 3:42 am
How about I give an overview and you elaborate wherever required? 唔等佢回應就開始 present.

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