
2011-10-31 2:28 am

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2011-10-31 2:41 am
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奧巴馬《父親留下來的夢想:種族與傳統的故事》英文原版Dreams from My Father:
Barack Obama, a black man raised by his white mother and grandparents, decided to journey to Kenya to learn more about his African father after receiving news of his death. This memoir is not about his father's life, but about Obama's, and he brings that home with an intimate tone rather than that of his public speeches. (His 2004 Democratic Convention keynote address is included at the end.)
Throughout the book, the U.S. Senator looks at race from the point of view of someone who has seen and been part of a variety of cultures, and he explains how his perspective shaped his views. The book, written in 1995, before his election to the Illinois Senate, gives listeners a chance to learn more about a young senator who has recently made news by speaking out on the Patriot Act and President Bush's next Supreme Court nomination.
奧巴馬《父親留下來的夢想:種族與傳統的故事》英文原版 2c0c6ba7

奧巴馬,一個黑人白人母親和爺爺奶奶,所提出的決定前往肯雅,進一步瞭解非洲的父親接到他去世的消息後。這部回憶錄是不是他父親的生活,而是奧巴馬,和他帶來,親密的語氣,而不是他的公共演講的家。(他在 2004年民主黨大會演說是末尾包含)。通過這本書,美國參議員的角度看有人曾見過,已部分不同的文化,從看比賽,他解釋說他的角度如何塑造他的看法。1995 年當選為伊利諾州參議院之前, 寫的書,使聽眾更多地瞭解最近已由愛國者法案與布希總統的下一個最高法院提名說出新聞的年輕參議員機會。

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